5 best pieces of advice about applying for a hotel vacancy
Tip 1: Write a proper application letter
When you have found the right job for you, you can start writing an application letter. The application letter has two goals:
Motivating: explaining why you are the best candidate
Accompanying: an elaboration of your resume It is important that you show you are the best candidate for the job.
To sell yourself as good as possible and to draw attention in your letter, you could apply the following model;
AIDA model:
Attention; take care of a tidy and well-thought layout and start your letter in an original and catchy way. This will draw the attention of the reader immediately.
Interest: appoint your unique selling points to get the interest of the reader.
Desire: the reader should desire a meeting with you. Change your style from I-have-the-competency to you-will-get-this-advantage.
Action: the last sentence of the letter is your ‘finishing touch’. Your letter will stand or fall on this.
With a right ending of the letter you create the desired action; an invitation for an interview.
Did you find a hospitality vacancy that aligns perfectly with your ambitions and qualities?
Use the example of the English cover letter to convince your new employer that you are the right candidate for this position.
Tip 2: Customize your resume
During the process of applying for a job, you will almost always need your resume. With creating this, pay attention to which company you are applying for. Not all the information is just as relevant for each company and could be not working out for you. Therefore, adjust your resume to your future employer and ensure your resume is updated.
Tip 3: Prepare yourself
It’s very important to prepare yourself for a job interview. Create an honest strength and weakness analysis of yourself. When the interview takes place, you should be prepared for all sorts of questions they might ask. In addition, you should research the company and know everything about the product or service they are offering and who will be your future colleagues. This way you won’t be caught off guard during the interview.

Tip 4: Wearing the right attire
When choosing your look for the job interview, it is important that the following is considered:
Do your clothes fit the corporate culture? It is better be overdressed than underdressed.
Make sure your clothes are fitting properly; be careful with new outfits, they may be uncomfortable.
Look very well-groomed; from hair to shoes and from nails to shirt.
Accessories and perfume; you can have too much of a good thing.
All of above will determine your first impression during the interview.
Tip 5: A convincing job interview
During a job interview the goal is to convince the employer that you are the best candidate for the position you are applying for. Often, they will use the STAR model to test your competencies. The STAR model is as follows:
Situation; what was going on in a particular situation? How did you demonstrate the competence in that situation?
Tasks; what were your tasks and responsibilities?
Approach; what did you do in concrete terms? Share your success story.
Result; what happened afterwards? What did you achieve?
This model can be applied to test your performance in different competencies. To prepare the job interview you could choose 3 or 4 competences out of the job requirements. Think about a situation in the recent past where you have applied this competency. By preparing with this model, you can make sure you are convincing during the interview.