How to optimize a job listing on our platform?

This is a question we frequently receive from employers. What is the secret to a job listing that ranks well in search results? We are happy to share our insights with you.

We believe it is essential to analyse the paths jobseekers take on our platform and adjust our platform accordingly. This increases the likelihood of hotels receiving more applications. After all, it's a shame if someone clicks on your job listing multiple times without applying.

How to ensure your job listings stand out

Often, you post a job and wait. You hope to receive quality applications and eventually hire someone. But how long does this take? And what is the quality of the candidates? We are happy to help you optimize this process.

On our platform, the jobseekers fill in fields for function, department, hotel, and location or postal code. We observe that jobseekers enter search terms in the 'what' field, usually 1 to 3 words. In the 'where' field, the location is filled in. Candidates do not use long sentences in their searches.

When candidates search, they see 12 search results. Based on these, they decide whether to click further. They see a title, the hotel name, a logo, location, type of employment, and salary range. This is the information candidates use to decide if they want to learn more about the job.

Optimize your job listing

  • Relevance: Ensure your job listing is relevant to the candidate's search query. This increases the chance that your listing will be shown and clicked on. Make sure the content matches what candidates are looking for.

  • Impressions: Optimize how often candidates see your job listing. More visibility leads to more applications. Look at your job title and keep it short and relevant to the candidate's search query. Also mention the job title in the job description.

  • Current Information: Ensure your job listing is up-to-date. Old listings are a waste and reduce your relevance. Your job listing remains online for 60 days on Hotelprofessionals.

How to ensure applicants click through to your job listing?

  • Title: Ensure your title is no longer than 35 characters, especially for mobile use. Avoid long phrases like "key player" that no one searches for.

  • First sentences: The first two to three sentences are crucial as they are visible in the search results.

  • Text length: Job texts longer than 2000 characters cause candidates to drop off. Place important information such as secondary benefits at the top of the text.

  • Application process: Make the application process as simple as possible by minimizing barriers.

  • Employer branding: The image at the top of your job text comes from the company page on our platform. Ensure it is professional and attractive.

Using chatGPT for job texts

You can use AI tools like ChatGPT to write job texts. This saves time and can help you come up with certain terms. Add a human element to trigger applicants to choose you over the competition. The combination of AI and personal touch results in a strong job text.

Why is SEO important for job listings?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plays a crucial role in making job listings discoverable. By using the right keywords and optimizing your text for search engines, you increase the chance that your job listing will appear higher in the search results. This leads to more traffic to your job listing and ultimately more applications.

  • Use relevant keywords: Think about which words and phrases jobseekers use to search for your type of job. Integrate these terms naturally into your title, job description, and other parts of the job text.

  • Optimize for mobile devices: Many jobseekers use their mobile phones to search for jobs. Ensure your job listing is readable and easy to navigate on mobile devices.

  • Write clear and attractive titles: A well-written title grabs attention and encourages jobseekers to read further. Avoid jargon and use clear, descriptive language.

The importance of clear job descriptions

A clear and concise job description helps potential candidates quickly understand what the job entails and if they are suitable. Describe the responsibilities, required skills, and qualifications clearly. This prevents misunderstandings and ensures quality applications.

  • Be specific: Provide concrete details about the tasks and responsibilities. Avoid vague terms and ensure candidates get a clear picture of the job.

  • Describe the work environment: Candidates want to know what kind of environment they will be working in. Give a brief description of the company culture, the team, and any unique aspects of the work environment.

  • Mention career opportunities: Jobseekers are often looking for career opportunities. Mention any advancement opportunities and training the company offers.

Use of Multimedia

Using multimedia such as photos and videos can make your job listing more attractive. A video where a current employee talks about the job and the company can give potential candidates a better idea of what to expect.

  • Company videos: A short video introducing the company, including a tour of the office and interviews with employees, can leave a strong impression.

  • Photos: Photos of the team or the hotel or office can enliven the job text and make it more attractive.

  • Social media integration: Share your job listing on various social media platforms to increase visibility. Encourage employees to share the job listing within their network.

Company videos

The importance of quick response and follow-up

A quick response to applications shows that your company values and takes the applicant seriously. This can make the difference between hiring the best candidate and losing that candidate to a competitor.

  • Automatic confirmations: If the applicant applies through your recruitment channel, ensure you send an automatic confirmation once an application is received. This reassures the applicant that their application has been successfully submitted.

  • Timely follow-up: Schedule follow-ups and interviews as soon as possible. This keeps the applicant engaged and reduces the chance of them accepting a job elsewhere.

  • Providing feedback: If a candidate is not hired, provide constructive feedback. This leaves a positive impression and can help them in future applications.


Optimizing your job listings for discoverability and attractiveness is essential in today's competitive job market. By using SEO, clear and concise job descriptions, multimedia, and quick follow-ups, you can significantly increase the chances of receiving quality applications. Additionally, using AI tools like ChatGPT can help you write job texts more efficiently and effectively. Follow these guidelines and see how your application process improves and you attract the best candidates for your company.