Housekeeping employee - Beers NB

Boutique Hotel & Restaurant De Bungelaer Beers NB

  • Parttime, 10 - 15 hour weekly
  • 0 - 1 Years of experience
  • Language: NL / EN / DE / ES / FR
  • Operational
  • Housekeeping
  1. Apply

Do you like to work with us in our housekeeping department?

We are looking for nice co-workers, who like to clean our hotel rooms.

minimum 3 times a week. 10-20 hours per week

are you flexible qua hours, do you like to work in a small team, do you live in the Cuijk area, please contact us per mail

  1. Housekeeping employee
  2. Boutique Hotel & Restaurant De Bungelaer Beers NB
  1. Apply

Questions will be send directly to the hotel.