Hotel Not Hotel has been a unique appearance in the market from the beginning on, due to its quirky concept and collaboration with various artists and designers. As the name suggests, Hotel Not Hotel is more than just an overnight stay. Forget anonymous hotel corridors and room numbers; we do everything differently to give our guests a unique experience.
Spread across different locations in Amsterdam and Rotterdam, you'll find rooms in the most unique places. As an example, you can sleep in a restored Tram Cart, which was still running in Amsterdam in the 60s, or search for your room door in our Secret Bookcases. Could it get any crazier? Sure, you can sleep in a Vertical Swimming Pool or a Volkswagen Van, which was sourced all the way from Brazil.
In addition to the unique hotel concept, you will find inspiring food and beverage venues in both hotels. "Kevin Bacon," our Thai restaurant known for its delicious curries and cocktails, has become the star of Amsterdam West. In Q2 of this year, we are putting our passion and enthusiasm into something amazing: a brand new Kevin Bacon restaurant making its appearance in our hotel in the heart of Rotterdam! This will be Rotterdam's hotspot with the most delicious Pad Thai and cocktails. With this he is going to conquer the hearts of our guests and locals in the neighborhood.