All Inntel Hotels Utrecht Centre jobs
Why work at Inntel Hotels Utrecht Centre?
- Perfect location next to Central Station
- Flexible schedule
- Great employee discount! €35,- per night
- Working with different cultures
- Flat organization with short lines
Klusjesman (15-24 uur)
Inntel Hotels Utrecht Centre, Utrecht
- Parttime, 15 - 24 hour weekly
- € 2,252 - 2,433
Jobs at Inntel Hotels Utrecht Centre
- Smakkelaarshoek 24
- 3511 EC / Utrecht
- Utrecht
- (Netherlands)
- 0233033921
- Website
Daniella Pannekoek -
Hotel group:
Inntel Hotels
About Inntel Hotels Utrecht Centre
- Hotel type: hotel
- 162 rooms
- 80 employees