All Restaurant, Hotel & Spa Savarin jobs

Why work at Restaurant, Hotel & Spa Savarin?

  • Excellent Winecellar
  • Cityspa Spavarin
  • 5 star service and facilities
  • Our own SavaGin
  • Meeting rooms
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Jobs at Restaurant, Hotel & Spa Savarin
Restaurant, Hotel & Spa Savarin

About Restaurant, Hotel & Spa Savarin

  • 35 rooms
  • 30 employees

Restaurant, Hotel & Spa Savarin, situated between royal The Hague and historical Delft, is an oasis of serenity in the centre of the busy “Randstad”.

Restaurant Savarin has built a reputation of being a gastronomic restaurant for years now and is connected to the “Jeunes Restaurateurs d’Europe”. In 2011 the five star hotel and Cityspa Spavarin opened their doors and proceeded the tradition of hospitality. Savarin is a combination of tradition and design, of comfort and the most modernistic facilities.

All these elements – beauty, atmosphere and quality – come together at one location. We can proudly say that we offer our guests more than just culinary enjoyment: a visit to Savarin is a real experience!