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Over Twin Peaks Hospitality

  • Soort hotel: hotel
  • 110 kamers
  • 120 medewerkers


We are a value driven company that offers compelling and unique hospitality experiences. All our distinct brands are united by a shared purpose and a commitment in providing meaningful and personalized services. Our ambition is to be a great place to work for our employees, a favourite destination for our guests and to make a difference in our community by giving back.


Every day we have an opportunity to provide happiness and create positive uplifting experiences and relationships. As such, we want to be defined as a company by the impact we have on others. We believe that the only way to grow, stay true to our soul, and remain consistently successful is to attract, hire, and keep great people. Therefore, at Twin Peaks Hospitality our employees come first.


We add value when we take a long term perspective and when we are able to consistently meet and exceed expectations. We achieve this by hiring people that are naturally hospitable and by creating a culture that inspires to deliver great service. We succeed when all our decisions are based on our purpose and values, and when we couple this conviction with sound financial planning.


We embrace diversity and active participation. We welcome people from all races, backgrounds, cultures and walks of life. Currently our team consists of over 30 nationalities and almost 40% of our workforce is from abroad. We believe having a diverse workplace is fundamental to achieve long term success as a company. And also, it makes things a lot more interesting and fun!

Resultaten : Twin Peaks Hospitality

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